COPPER Copper productionCOPPER Copper production

COPPER Copper production

Flotation of nonsulfide copper minerals is rare because these ores are mostly subjected to hydrometallurgical copper recovery, for example, heap leaching. In Zambia and Zaire, however, siliceous copper oxide ores are floated with fatty acid collectors, and dolomitic copper oxide ores are sulfidized with sodium hydrogensulfide and then floated ...
New reagents for controlling of H O by metal sulfide and ...New reagents for controlling of H O by metal sulfide and ...

New reagents for controlling of H O by metal sulfide and ...

abundant sulphide minerals on Earth, generated H. 2. O. 2 . in pulp liquid during wet grinding in the presence or absence of dissolved oxygen in water and also when the freshly ground solids are placed in water immediately after dry grinding. Pyrite generated more H. 2. O. 2 . than other sulphide minerals and the order of H. 2. O production by ...
The Mineral GalleryThe Mineral Gallery

The Mineral Gallery

The Sulfide Class minerals comprise an economically important class of minerals. Most major ores of important metals such as copper, lead and silver are sulfides. Strong generalities exist in this class. The majority of sulfides are metallic, opaque, generally sectile, soft to average in hardness and they have high densities, black or darkcolored streaks, and an igneous origin.
Copper sulphide mineralsCopper sulphide minerals

Copper sulphide minerals

Copper sulphide minerals Gaudin and Schuhmann (1936) and Harris and Finkelstein (1977) have shown that the most likely adsorbed hydrophobic entity is cuprous xanthate which could be formed by a combination of the oxidation of chalcocite and the reaction of the However, the calculated potential for CuEX formation corresponding to a xanthate concentration of x 10 mol/L are, respectively, 0 ...
Mineralogy of SulfidesMineralogy of Sulfides

Mineralogy of Sulfides

 · Pyrite again dominates the sulfide mineralogy in deposits such as those of the Copperbelt of Zambia, which have a range of copper–iron sulfides (chalcopyrite, bornite), copper sulfides (chalcocite, covellite) and significant amounts of cobalt in cobaltian pyrite and carrollite (CuCo 2 S 4).
[Solved] Cite examples of how copper deposits occur ...[Solved] Cite examples of how copper deposits occur ...

[Solved] Cite examples of how copper deposits occur ...

Cite examples of how copper deposits occur. Choose one or more: A. in carbonate ore minerals B. in sulfide ore minerals. C. as an agglomeration metal. D. as a native metal
Leaching of Copper SulphidesLeaching of Copper Sulphides

Leaching of Copper Sulphides

copper sulphide leaching options as alternatives to the more conventional pyrometallurgical processing route of copper sulphides. Three copper sulphide leaching and refining processes are discussed: total pressure oxidation, ferric sulphate leaching and copper chloride leaching. The effect of mineralogy


HCl Treatment of copper sulfide minerals Download PDF Info Publiion number USA. USA US345847A USA USA US A US A US A US 345847 A US345847 A US 345847A US A US A US A US A US A US A Authority US United States Prior art keywords concentrate
Sulfide MineralsSulfide Minerals

Sulfide Minerals

 · Sulfide Mineral Pictures. Photo (c) Andrew Alden, licensed to (fair use policy)Marcasite is iron sulfide or FeS 2, the same as pyrite, but with a different crystal structure.(more below) Marcasite forms at relatively low temperatures in chalk rocks as well as in hydrothermal veins that also host zinc and lead minerals.
Method of using polymeric sulfide mineral depressants ...Method of using polymeric sulfide mineral depressants ...

Method of using polymeric sulfide mineral depressants ...

In these examples, a Cugraphite bulk concentrate containing 210% Cu in the form of copper sulfide minerals and 540% carbon is used. The objective is to depress the copper minerals and float graphite; further the amount of copper in the graphite concentrate should be as low as possible.
Unlocking Value in Copper Arsenic Sulphide Resources with ...Unlocking Value in Copper Arsenic Sulphide Resources with ...

Unlocking Value in Copper Arsenic Sulphide Resources with ...

specific to copper arsenic sulphides are briefly discussed below [12]. Pressure oxidation involves oxidation of sulphide minerals at elevated pressure and temperature in the presence of alytic chloride ions. In the case of arsenic bearing concentrates, a significant portion of the copper value can be found in minerals such as enargite (Cu 3AsS
mineral copper sulphidemineral copper sulphide

mineral copper sulphide

Copper is a Properties metallic element of copper. 4 copper sulphide minerals. Include the oxidation state of the copper, the usual colour and lustre, the hardness, the specific gravity, and the streak.
KGSBull. 223, part 2Mineralogy of Copper Sulfides ...KGSBull. 223, part 2Mineralogy of Copper Sulfides ...

KGSBull. 223, part 2Mineralogy of Copper Sulfides ...

 · The varied stoichiometries of the copper sulfide minerals in Kansas probably resulted from phase transformations after precipitation from fluids with slightly varying coppersulfur ratios. The analyses of samples from drill hole 13 (Table 2) fall within a compositional range that, according to Potter's study, should contain a djurleiteanilite mixture.
examples of copper sulfide mineralsexamples of copper sulfide minerals

examples of copper sulfide minerals

Secondary copper sulfide enrichment is widely accepted today as resulting from oxidation of copper sulfide minerals, downward migration of soluble copper sulfates, and precipitation as copper sulfide by reaction with primary sulfide minerals. Chalcopyrite is replaced preferentially to pyrite.
v117n8a11 The role of pulp potential and the ...v117n8a11 The role of pulp potential and the ...

v117n8a11 The role of pulp potential and the ...

Copper oxide minerals form as a result of supergene processes that occur when copper sulphide minerals are exposed to the effects of weathering (Reich et al., 2009) and encompass a series of defined assemblages that reflect a variable pH, oxidizing geochemical environment, known as the oxide zone, in which the source rock, host rock
Factors affecting the flotoelutriation process efficiency ...Factors affecting the flotoelutriation process efficiency ...

Factors affecting the flotoelutriation process efficiency ...

Factors affecting the flotoelutriation process efficiency of a copper sulfide mineral M. Paiva, J. Rubio⇑ Minerals Engineering Department, PPGE3M – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Prédio 43819 – Setor 6, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil1 article info